Email Address

[email protected]

Phone Number

(912) 819-2443

About Me


  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration 
  • Life Underwriter Training Council Fellow, LUTCF®
  • Financial Services Certified Professional, FSCP®
  • Licensed to sell Property and Casualty since 2002
  • Personal Assistant for Jim Diemer since 2012
  • Personal Assistant for Greg Vasher since 2014

Products and Services 

  • New Accounts Processor Specialist for FFMG
  • Integrated Cashier Platform (ICP) Service Representative for FFMG
  • Distribution Processing Service Representative for FFMG
  • 401(k) and 403 (b) Service Specialist for FFMG
  • Disability Income Insurance
  • Long-Term Care Insurance 
  • Mortgage Protection (through life insurance and disability income insurance) 
  • Medicare Supplement and Advantage Coverage
  • Term Insurance 
  • Health Insurance and ACA Alternatives
  • Universal Life Insurance
  • Whole Life Insurance 
  • Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance 
  • Group Life Insurance Conversion